We are happy to host intimate weddings at Sleeping Dog Farm. We allowonly a set number of weddings per year order to assist us in maintaining affordable rates for our retreats. While our prices are competitive with other farm wedding sites, it may be an added bonus to know that your wedding is helping others to access our farm for their workshops. We host only
your wedding on the farm and during the time of your booking the farm will be completely available to you and your guests. There are a variety of garden spaces in which to consider having your ceremony, as well as the Sanctuary for an indoor site.
We provide an idyllic site for a wedding and will assist with any questions surrounding planning that you have. We do not take responsibility for planning a wedding and we are open to however you would like the wedding to take place in regards to serving food and seating arrangements. We have four options for couples to choose from which can be explored by downloading our wedding contract.
Parking is limited at the farm to 25 cars. We ask that you plan your wedding day accordingly and arrange for your guests to carpool to the farm. Pointed high heel shoes are not a good idea with gravel paths and soft lawn, so we advise a wide-heeled shoe.
