Sleeping Dog Farm and Retreat is home to a compact but productive certified organic farm area featuring heirloom vegetables, succulent berries, aromatic old-fashioned flowers and a beautiful artisan-crafted greenhouse. Our garden grows food for our guests as well as local restaurants and community markets.
All produce grown at Sleeping Dog Farm & Retreat is grown by organic methods focusing on soil enrichment and nurturing healthy plants. Our food garden is a place for learning, connecting with the Earth and experiencing the bounty of homegrown food firsthand. We are proud to grow many locally-developed and heritage varieties of snap beans, peas, tomatoes, peppers, basil, corn, salad greens, broccoli, garlic, leeks, onions and flowers that are out of the ordinary!
If you would like to arrange for fresh garden food to be a part of your event at Sleeping Dog Farm & Retreat, please
